ADServerConnectorTest class

This class is used by OIM to perform basic connectivity test. The name of this class is computed using the connector name AD Server. This class might be used both in server and client environments.

This class is a part of Microsoft Active Directory User Management connector.

Basic connectivity

The result variable contains the connection attempt result.

HashMap connectionAtts = new HashMap();
connectionAtts.put("Server Address", "");
connectionAtts.put("Port Number", "389");
connectionAtts.put("Root Context", "dc=example,dc=com");
connectionAtts.put("Admin FQDN", "cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=example,dc=com");
connectionAtts.put("Admin Password", "Pa$$w0rd");
connectionAtts.put("Use SSL", "no");
connectionAtts.put("isADAM", "no");
ADServerConnectorTest connectorTest = new ADServerConnectorTest();
boolean result = connectorTest.testBasicConnectivity(connectionAtts);

User provisioning

Try to create a user record then immediately delete it.
The result variable is TRUE if user was created successfully.

ADServerConnectorTest connectorTest = new ADServerConnectorTest();
HashMap connectionAtts = ... init connection parameter as in the example above
boolean result = connectorTest.testProvisioning(connectionAtts);

User search (reconciliation)

Test similar to the provisioning test, but this time we check if we can search the just provisioned user back.

ADServerConnectorTest connectorTest = new ADServerConnectorTest();
HashMap connectionAtts = ... init connection parameter as in the example above
boolean result = connectorTest.testReconciliation(connectionAtts);
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