RoleManager service

Role (formerly group) API.

Manage OIM roles (formerly user groups)


  1. UGP

Java API

  1. RoleManager
  2. tcGroupOperationsIntf

Find roles

Find all roles and print all group attributes:

tcGroupOperationsIntf groupOps = oimClient.getService(tcGroupOperationsIntf.class);
tcResultSet rs = groupOps.findGroups(null);
for (int i = 0; i < rs.getRowCount(); i++) {
  System.out.println("Groups.Group Name: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Group Name"));
  System.out.println("Groups.Role Display Name: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Role Display Name"));
  System.out.println("Groups.Role Name: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Role Name"));
  System.out.println("Groups.Role Description: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Role Description"));
  System.out.println("Groups.Role Owner Key: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Role Owner Key"));
  System.out.println("Groups.Creation Date: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Creation Date"));
  System.out.println("Groups.Update Date: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Update Date"));
  System.out.println("Groups.Role Namespace: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Role Namespace"));
  System.out.println("Groups.Key: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Key"));
  System.out.println("Groups.LDAP GUID: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.LDAP GUID"));
  System.out.println("Groups.Updated By: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Updated By"));
  System.out.println("Groups.Role Category Key: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Role Category Key"));
  System.out.println("Groups.System Level: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.System Level"));
  System.out.println("Groups.E-mail: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.E-mail"));
  System.out.println("Groups.LDAP DN: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.LDAP DN"));
  System.out.println("MEMBERTYPE: " + rs.getStringValue("MEMBERTYPE"));

Find a particular role by name ("ALL USERS") and print its key:

tcGroupOperationsIntf groupOps = oimClient.getService(tcGroupOperationsIntf.class);
Map condition = new HashMap();
condition.put("Groups.Group Name", "ALL USERS");
tcResultSet rs = groupOps.findGroups(condition);
System.out.println("Groups.Key: " + rs.getStringValue("Groups.Key"));

Grant role to users

Grant the role "AD User" to the "System Administrator" user:

tcGroupOperationsIntf groupManager = oimClient.getService(tcGroupOperationsIntf.class);
Map condition = new HashMap();
condition.put("Groups.Group Name", "AD User");
tcResultSet rs = groupManager.findGroups(condition);
String groupKey = rs.getStringValue("Groups.Key");
RoleManager roleManager = oimClient.getService(RoleManager.class);
Set userKeys = new HashSet();
roleManager.grantRole(groupKey, userKeys);

Revoke role from users

Revoke the role "AD User" from the "System Administrator" user:

tcGroupOperationsIntf groupManager = oimClient.getService(tcGroupOperationsIntf.class);
Map condition = new HashMap();
condition.put("Groups.Group Name", "AD User");
tcResultSet rs = groupManager.findGroups(condition);
String groupKey = rs.getStringValue("Groups.Key");
RoleManager roleManager = oimClient.getService(RoleManager.class);
Set userKeys = new HashSet();
roleManager.revokeRoleGrant(groupKey, userKeys);


Create a new Role and print its key:

tcGroupOperationsIntf groupManager = getService(tcGroupOperationsIntf.class);
Map attributes = new HashMap();
attributes.put("Groups.Group Name", "New Group");
attributes.put("Groups.Role Description", "Just for testing");
long groupKey = groupManager.createGroup(attributes);
System.out.println("Group key: " + groupKey);


Delete a Role

long groupKey = 12345L;
tcGroupOperationsIntf groupManager = getService(tcGroupOperationsIntf.class);


Note: the following attributes are read-only:

  1. RoleManagerConstants.ROLE_KEY
  2. RoleManagerConstants.ROLE_LDAP_DN
  3. RoleManagerConstants.ROLE_LDAP_GUID
  4. RoleManagerConstants.RoleAttributeName.DATA_LEVEL

Note: the following attributes can only be changed in the reconciliation context:

  1. RoleManagerConstants.ROLE_UNIQUE_NAME
  2. RoleManagerConstants.ROLE_NAMESPACE

Modify a single role

Set the xelsysadm as the new owner for the REPORT ADMINISTRATORS built-in role (key "24")

RoleManager service = getService(RoleManager.class);
Role role = new Role("24");
role.setAttribute("Role Owner Key", 1L);
RoleManagerResult result = service.modify(role);

Modify roles in a batch

Change two roles in one call.

RoleManager service = getService(RoleManager.class);
Set<String> roleKeys = new HashSet<String>();
roleKeys.add("24"); // REPORT ADMINISTRATORS
roleKeys.add("25"); // PLUGIN ADMINISTRATORS
HashMap<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
attributes.put(RoleManagerConstants.ROLE_OWNER_KEY, "1"); // the key of the xelsysadm user
Role role = new Role(attributes);
RoleManagerResult result = service.modify(roleKeys, role);
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